We want to hear from you

At UVic Women in Science, we are committed to fostering an inclusive environment where every voice is heard, and every concern is addressed. Recognizing the importance of safety and well-being, we are proud to introduce our anonymous feedback forum.

Why We're Here:

Our mission is to create a safe and more inclusive space, we encourage you to utilize this platform to share any issues, concerns or complaints related to personal safety, well-being, or any other matters affecting your experience. Your anonymity is our priority, as we strive to create a space where open dialogue leads to positive change.


How It Works:

Submit your feedback through the form linked below. Your identity will remain anonymous. The information provided will be forwarded to our Human Resources committee, who will address concerns with discretion and take appropriate action. If the form is insufficient, please reach out directly to the President or Vice President for further assistance.


Thank you for being a part of our commitment to safety, inclusivity, and positive change.